EPA Rule Threatens Electric Reliability
In May, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) issued a rule that impacts energy production from power plants. The power plant rule will undoubtedly threaten access to reliable electricity for our local community and communities across the country.
CALLING ALL YOUNG ARTISTS: Design the 2024 Clay County Electric Christmas Card!
Clay County Electric is excited to invite elementary students from kindergarten through fifth grade to unleash their creativity and submit their Christmas card designs to be featured as the official 2024 Clay County Electric Christmas card! This special card will be mailed to friends of Clay County Electric, legislators, and businesses throughout the area.
Go Above and Beyond for a Safe Harvest
Massive machinery is indispensable to farming, but the same impressive size and extensions make them particularly vulnerable to contacting power lines. That’s why staying alert, focused and knowledgeable about potential hazards and safety procedures is crucial.
Pumped Up — Consider Upgrading to a Heat Pump Water Heater
I’m always looking for ways to improve my home and make it more comfortable and efficient. It was built in the ’80s, and although the builder did a good job, I’ve undertaken many projects. Most of them have been minor; fixing attic insulation issues, air sealing and replacing weatherstripping are just a few projects that I’ve tackled. Although these projects have helped us keep our utility bills lower than average, they’ve been incremental changes that don’t make a significant difference.
Clay County Electric Cooperative Annual Meeting Recap
The 85th Clay County Electric Cooperative Annual Membership Meeting was held on June 27 at 11 a.m. in Corning. Official notice, annual report, survey and ballot were mailed on May 24 to all members. Over the past several years, the process of using mail-in ballots continues to increase member participation, and this year proved to be no different with 1,031 members participating in the Annual Meeting.
Watch the Clock to Lock in Energy Savings
As temperatures rise and summer activities heat up, a reliable flow of electricity is essential to ensure our members stay cool and connected.
August brings some of the most extreme summer temps, which means people will be spending more time indoors to avoid the heat, and air conditioners will work overtime. This increased use of electricity will cause spikes in demand, also known as energy peaks. During peak times, we must work closely with our wholesale power provider to ensure a balanced supply of electricity is always available to meet our cooperative’s energy needs.
10 Things You Might Not Know About Power Restoration
At Clay County Electric, we’re accustomed to members’ questions about power outages, and why it can take time to get the lights back on. Given our reliance on electricity, there’s simply never a good time to be without it. We’d like to shed light on our restoration process to help our members understand what may be happening behind the scenes.
Clay County Electric awards scholarships for lineman program
Clay County Electric is proud to announce Jacob Mooneyhan and Bentley Grubb as our 2024 High Voltage Lineman Technology (HVLT) program scholarship recipients to attend Arkansas State University at Newport.
New EPA rules threaten grid reliability
On April 25, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) released four major new regulations for the electric industry, including a rule to cut emissions from power plants. This move will aggravate reliability concerns for electric cooperatives and other utilities nationwide.
Swimming pool energy savings - By Mitch Ross
“Good job, buddy! You are doing it!” There are several vicarious achievements that we get to experience with our young children. Starting kindergarten, learning to ride a bike, scoring their first soccer goal, and on the list goes.